NCPA Virtual School Weekly Schedule Template for Students 网络学习周计划表-学生版

Hi NCPA teachers,

Based on the online learning survey for Middle School and Grade 9 students, the area they feel the most challenging is managing their time. Also, a lot of them felt there is too much work to finish. One way that can help them to navigate through the different tasks and the sudden “autonomy” of time is to ask them to lay things out – on a weekly schedule.

Students are encouraged to follow the same schedule they would have on campus. Starting from 8 am, they write down the tasks and assignments for the subjects they would have if they are in school. If today’s a Day 1, they study for their block A/B/C/D and try to finish work before the end of the lessons. If they have questions, they should reach out to teachers as they normally can in person, but instead via Teams now. Between each block, they should walk around, stretch like they would go for the next classroom if they were at NCPA. Having all the assignments written down on a piece of paper creates a central place for students to check-in progress and manage their tasks. Parents could also join to help as well.

If you know this would benefit certain students, or an entire class you have, go ahead and share this with them. Ask students to turn it in at the end of a week to give them the momentum to start. If you would like to change it a little bit to best fit your ideas, I would love to share the original Canva design with you. Let me know!

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