NCPA #edtech Briefing: Thursday, September 24

  Here is what we covered in under 20 minutes: Making Connections – Naarah​ Canvas Tips – Lisa​ Tech Ambassadors – Lisa Thank you Naarah for sharing some very relevant tips in making connections with students.  Even if you aren’t physically present you can still have a presence in the classroom and in your students’ […]

NCPA #edtech Briefing: Tuesday, September 22

Welcome back to the NCPA #edtech Blog!  Today starts the reboot of the #edtech Briefings.  I will host this chat every Tuesday and Thursday from now on at 7:30am CST.  Here is what we covered today: MS Teams Tips – Lisa​ Seesaw Feedback – Elizabeth​ Making Connections – Padlet​ Call for Tech Ambassadors – Lisa​ […]

iPhone 默认存储图像为JPEG的方法 | How to save your picture as JPEG instead of HEIC

经常用iPhone拍照交作业,结果格式显示错误?JPEG格式的图像比HEIC更通用——你可以通过下图在系统设置中把默认的图片格式给为JPEG. 当然, HEIC格式的一些优势(地理信息、拍照设备信息等)就没有了。 How to save in Jpeg instead of HEIC. This will obviously result in Jpegs being shared from your iPhone, but it also means you lose the benefits that HEIC brings.