The InnoHub was as busy as ever last month. We hit the ground running immediately after Chinese New Year with Liza, Rachel, and Adam’s chemistry classes. They designed a theoretical molecule that doesn’t currently exist and used recycled materials to build a 3D model of their molecules. The students finished the project by presenting their molecules to staff and fellow students.
Middle School
Elizabeth and Ann’s STEM 7 class visited the InnoHub to examine a dissected laptop and compare the contents to the parts of a cell. The students then dissected some small wind-up toys and drew their own comparison diagrams.
Fernanda brought her 8th grade art class to the InnoHub to carve linocut printing blocks and film video tutorials of their process. The videos are on their class Seesaw account and they are awesome! Here are a couple for your viewing pleasure.
There’s More!

Did you know that the first-ever NCPA Wood Shop Club finished its inaugural trimester? It was so popular with students we had to add a second section in T3 to meet the demand! The InnoHub is utilized for ASA’s every day.
And to cap off the month, Jordan and Lisa organized two staff PD’s. The first was an introduction to Design Thinking, with special guest Yosef, and the second was a crash course in basic woodshop safety and techniques.
As always, thank you to all the teachers who visited and utilized the InnoHub and we look forward to another month packed with new classes and activities! Don’t forget to contact Jordan Wambeke if you want to schedule time for your class in the InnoHub or want some help integrating the InnoHub into your curriculum!