AI Resources for Teachers

ChatGPT is probably the most well-known AI tool in use. I’m sure you have come across many other resources that are worth sharing. Here’s a jack-of-all-trades AI I use: MagicSchoolAI. This tool includes a rubric generator, unit plan generator, lesson plan generator, ice breaker generator, teacher joke generator, and so much more! Sign-up is free. […] is bothersome

When you input with any browser, Google detects and directs their website to the closest site. Since our internet line exits through Hong Kong, Google will redirect your browser to To set your browser to use instead of, input and you’ll be able to access moving forward. ncr […]

Try Parlay for Meaningful Class Discussions

Parlay is a free web-based discussion platform that fosters communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Check out this YouTube video that explains: Parlay in 60 Seconds. Aubrey recently invited me to her English Literature classes to see it in action. Then we sat down to chat about it. Here is what we discussed and how you […]

Tips and Tools for Hybrid Teaching

Check-in/Exit Ticket Tools  One of the components of the NCPA Hybrid Learning Plan is creating lessons that include a check-in and exit ticket component. Here are some tools that you can try: – in minutes you can create a poll, quiz, open-ended questions, word clouds, and more. I like how you can download the […]

Try EdPuzzle with Canvas

EdPuzzle is a FREE web-based tool for educators that allows you to edit online videos and add interactive content specific to learning objectives. Recently, I sat down with our AP Environmental Science teacher, Nina Gross, to learn how she is using it in her classroom. First, it’s essential to know that she follows the flipped […]

Tech in the Toilet: Tech for Co-Teaching (Andrea Honigsfeld Edition)

In this edition of Tech in the Toilet we celebrate Andrea Honigsfeld’s visit to campus with a rundown of tools that support co-teaching. After objectives, materials, roles, and responsibilities have been established, each teacher completes various lesson planning tasks such as scaffolding activities, differentiating materials and assessments, finding alternative resources, creating learning centers/stations, and so […]