Optimize Your Use of the Whiteboard Tables Now!

At NCPA, we are facilitated with the wonderful whiteboard tables but – how can students use it meaningfully? You must have noticed that students are generally engaged when you tell them they can write things down on the tables. Use their excitement as the starting point to create some different learning experiences! Input Stage – Notetaking […]

The Transformative Microsoft Translator

Microsoft’s Translator app has the potential to transform how we do parent-teacher communication at this school. It has interpretation features that translate spoken or typed text in real time! While it won’t replace a real-life interpreter, it’s handy in situations like SLCs when there isn’t one on hand. Better parent-teacher communication means more parent buy-in […]

Enter the Laser Cutter

The Inno-Hub is open for business! Er, learning. Despite all the fancy tools inside, this is an accessible space with a low learning curve. To show you how low, Yosef gives you a three-minute rundown on how simple it is to use our laser cutter! [advanced_iframe src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/dhBwb05lYnE” width=”100%” height=”480″] Want to learn more? Come to […]

How to Mail Merge a List of Incompletes with Word and Outlook 2016

[advanced_iframe src=”https://web.microsoftstream.com/embed/video/c78f162d-a281-480d-85c5-edd15092817d?autoplay=false&showinfo=true” width=”640″ height=”360″] Sending emails home about Incompletes or Not Yets doesn’t have to be a chore. Learn how you can mostly automate the process in less than ten minutes by watching the guide above (NCPA login required due to presence of student information).